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Friday, 20 May 2011

My First Blog Post - EXAM!?

Maths. Oh my god. Screwed it man. It was damned hard. Someone took my calculator and left me doing paper 1's calculation WITHOUT it. Anyway, everything went alright but my brain.. Damn exhausted. : / 
Back to the morning.
I was sleeping on the car. I ran into my grandma's house to search for my missing calculator. Well, my search was in vain but I simply got my mom angry. No, I mean, she simply got herself angry just because I ca't find my calculator. Not me DUH. Whatever, she nagged and scolded and insulted me on the car. Yes she tried to insult me but I was too numb to respond- I was too used to it. She was shouting and shouting but I didn't react AT ALL as if she was just yelling at the cars in front. I opened up my Moral exercise book. Revised it, despite the noisy voice of my mom. It wasn't annoying, it was just... nothing. There she was yelling 'You useless fella why don't you just put everything in place!!! You're just too useless. USELESS.' Yea, she said that. So what, yes I admit that I'm useless, in organizing things. She just didn't see my good side.
Finally she stopped for a few seconds. Then she started the WHOLE THING AGAIN. With other matters. I reached school. She stopped. I said 'bye' and I just walked down the car. The whole morning we didn't talk to each other.
Yeah, that's how bad the relationship between my mom and me is.
And yeah, that's how I get used to insulting words.


  1. Whoops--- Typo! (i can't* find my.. )

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