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Monday 23 May 2011

Exam--- FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!

Woah. Sejarah. You made me study until 3 in the morning and could only sleep 2 hours. And your questions came out and I was like... SHIT. Smart la you.
Now. Geography. You made me lose another A. Whatever it is, damn you lah. :P

Ok. Now what.
Let's go back to yesterday.
Thank god it wasn't Father's Day yesterday.
Or else... Anyway I just don't wanna talk about it. I'm so pissed.
I got so uptight.
Somemore you tilted the car.
I was serious.
Somemore you were joking.
Maybe you didn't mean it.
Maybe you were just being naughty.
Maybe you just wanted to play.

But why is it so hard to say 'Sorry'?
Too much ego in you. That's the thing.
Anyway, you're still my Dad.

Please forgive me for whatever I'd done wrong.
That's all.

From, your son,
Wai Meng

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