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Thursday 26 May 2011


OH MY GOD. Exam results. Good and bad results. DUH.
First time in my life, I got A for my BM. Godness gracious, Thank god I got an A also for my Sejarah. :D
And, as usual, Geografi B, KHB B. GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! :/

Wheeehaah! Tomorrow's the Teacher's Day Performance. DAMNED NERVOUS. Wheeee~
Had an audition for the performance on Tuesday. It was so OFF and I don't know why Dayan said it was the best ever. DUH. Then a rehearsal yesterday. The microphone! DAMMIT. :P Then another one today. OK lah. I hope tomorrow..... will be the best :D

Lastly, to the teachers, Happy Teacher's Day. :)

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